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Signed Distance Field

Signed Distance Fields (SDFs)

Understanding Signed Distance Fields

In mathematics and its applications, the signed distance function or oriented distance function is the orthogonal distance of a given point x to the closest surface of an object. A signed distance field is represented as a grid sampling of the closest distance to the surface of an object represented as a polygonal model. Signed Distance Fields (SDFs) assign a signed distance value to each point in space relative to the closest surface of a shape.

Benefits of Signed Distance Fields

SDFs offer several advantages:

  • Cheaper Raytracing: SDFs allow for cheaper raytracing, smoothly letting different shapes flow into each other and saving lower resolution.
  • Real-time Rendering: They enable real-time rendering of complex objects, making them suitable for applications like video games and simulations.

Applications of Signed Distance Fields

SDFs have various applications, including:

  • Collision Detection: Detecting collisions between objects in simulations and games.
  • Path Planning: Finding paths for objects to navigate in environments.
  • Fluid Simulation: Modeling fluid behavior, such as water or lava.
